
Goojet makes the Mobile Web, personal, social and engaging!
With Goojet on your phone, you'll not only find all your favourite internet resources and services on your mobile, Goojet will help you to discover regularly new content and new services to enrich your mobile web experience. You'll also be able to communicate with your friends, share goojets with them, or send them messages!

Some services that you can find on Goojet:
- a to-do-list that will send you an sms when something has to be done
- a personalized weather forecast
- a mobiwall to share texts and pictures with your friends
- hundreds of cool mobile websites
- small fun applications: quizzes, games etc...
- selection of cool viral videos
And much more still to discover!!

Goojet is a free application that can be downloaded on a wide range of phones (Java-based, Symbian, Blackberry, iPhone, Android etc....).

Download Link:

Click Here !


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